Pet Owners
Pet Owners

I aim to fill the gap between the primary veterinarian and multi-specialty veterinary referral hospitals. Your veterinarian and I will work together to establish a diagnosis and develop a surgical plan for each patient. By keeping the relationship between the primary care veterinarian and myself open, I am able to provide outstanding continuity of care. Advanced surgical procedures are performed in your veterinarian’s hospital where your pet is comfortable, eliminating the need to travel to another facility. I am committed to providing the highest quality care to your pet and service to referring veterinarians. If your pet needs surgery, have your veterinarian contact me today.
Setting up your procedure
Your veterinarian will establish a diagnosis. They will call to set up the needed surgery with PVS.
I will review the medical records provided by your veterinarian and will call you to discuss the diagnosis and the surgical procedure 48 to 72 hours before your scheduled surgery. I will examine your pet on the day of surgery to confirm the diagnosis.
PVS brings all of the surgical equipment and instruments to your veterinarian’s hospital.
Your veterinarian provides the surgical preparation of the patient, anesthesia monitoring, medications, and post-operative care.
PVS will provide surgical reports, discharges and is available for post-operative consultation.